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29.10.2023 - LOATAD Black Atlantic Residency 2024 (@ - $)

[ Leia atentamente o regulamento. Se tiver dúvidas, entre em contato com os organizadores ]

- Beginner, Emerging and Established writers from and/or based in Africa, the Caribbean, North America, South America, and Europe whose work engages with issues concerning Africa and/or the Diaspora, specifically, The Black Atlantic;
- Writers must own a valid passport and be willing to travel to Ghana to participate in the physical residency;

Premiação | Direitos Autorais:
- Up to $600 USD to cover travel costs to and from Ghana;
- One month room and board at LOATAD in Accra, Ghana;
- A stipend of $500 USD;

Prazo: 29 de outubro de 2023

The Library Of Africa and The African Diaspora - LOATAD

Contato - Mais informações e Dúvidas:

Regulamento | Ficha de Inscrição:

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